Latest changes to eBay fees for private seller

June 19, 2020

When you're not a regular seller on eBay and want to sell the one-off item, the fee structure can be quite confusing. Even as an experienced eBay seller many cannot explain how the fee structure works. This is an issue when you're trying to price an item to ensure you are not going to make a loss once all fees and postage costs have been deducted.

The below fees are the latest and correct as of 1st June 2020 (inclusive of 20% VAT)

eBay Auction Fees (Non-Automotive Categories)

Auction Listings - List for free on eBay

As a private seller, you can have up to 1,000 items listed before you have to pay an insertion/listing fee (the amount you pay to have your product advertised on eBay). Once you have reached the 1,000 limit, you will be charged 35p per new insertion.

Be mindful that there will be charges for optional upgrades, we have conveniently listed them below for you:

Reserve Price on Auction Listings4% of the reserve price, maxed at £150. This is payable whether the item is sold or not.
Buy it Now price50p
Gallery Plus – larger pictures in listings£2.50
Additional category35p
Scheduled start times for listingsFree for first 1,000 per month, then 6p
International Site Visibility30p for fixed price listings
    For Auctions:
  • 5p if start price is < £5
  • 10p if start price is £5-£29.99
  • 15p if start price is £30 or more
Special duration (1 or 3 day auction)35p

Final Value Fees for Auction Listings

With auction format listings you must pay a final value fee once your item sells. Currently this is 10% of the final transaction value (including postage cost). This fee is capped at £250 for a single item. If your item does not sell (e.g. does not meet the reserve) then you do not pay a final value fee.

Fees for Classified Ads are somewhat simpler

A classified listing is a traditional style listing, there is no bidding. Below are the costs for the three main categories used by eBay to determine pricing:

Business, Office & Industrial£9.99
Holidays & Travel£15

Listing fees for Cars/Automotive

If you are selling a car in eBay then the fees are different. This is fair for sellers as well as eBay as the transaction value is typically higher, the normal structure would make it too expensive for sellers. There are three listing formats available; Classified Ad, Auction and Fixed Price.

Classified AdAuctionFixed Price
Listing Fee£19.99£14.99
Final Value FeeN/A1% of final transaction. Min £25 and Max £45

Sellers can add the same optional upgrades to automotive ads (if applicable) as the normal listings.

To help calculate what your final fees will be, use our eBay Calculator.